Text editing and linguistic proofreading
Language editing is text The editing part, which consists of changing and correcting the finished text written by the author in order to achieve the text's correctness, clarity, ease of understanding, stylistic suitability, logic, and the accuracy of the terms and data contained therein.
Editing a translation means, in addition to the above, also checking the correspondence of the translated text to the original text. During editing, it is checked that the translated text conveys the meaning of the original text correctly and accurately, that the sentences are logical and the terms are correct, relevant and consistent. It is also checked that nothing has been omitted or added and that the translation is linguistically correct. This ensures a higher quality of the translation and is a very important additional service, for example in the case of official and public documents.
The benefits of text editing
Linguistic proofreading is the process by which a text is revised and adapted spelling requirements In the process, typographical, linguistic and spelling errors and technical inaccuracies will be corrected, but no substantive or stylistic changes will be made. Language editor corrects both spelling and style errors in the text, adapting it to the target audience and purpose. The end result is a smooth and clearly understandable text.
Filoloog translation agency offers both service – both proofreading and editing. In the case of proofreading services, the translated text is not compared with the original text, therefore no substantive changes are made. During editing, the original text is also taken aside and checked for compliance with it.
Checked spelling
Editing a text ensures that the spelling complies with the applicable rules and that the text is linguistically correct. Proofreading a foreign language text involves paying attention to the correct use of punctuation and the correct spelling of words according to the rules of the target language. The editor also observes the rules for using capital and lowercase letters, which are important for the correct formatting of both names and titles and can vary greatly due to the specifics of the target language. This may also mean that the language editor rephrases sentences so that they comply with the rules of the language. Editing a text by Filoloog translation agency includes spell checking to avoid typos and inaccuracies that can affect the reliability and readability of the text.
Logical sentences
Clear and logical sentence structure is the basis of understandable text. During editing, sentence structure is assessed and possible ambiguities or awkwardness are corrected to ensure a smooth and fluent text flow.
When editing a foreign language text, it is especially important to ensure that the sentence structure complies with the grammatical rules of the target language, as the source language syntax can vary significantly. The editor must be able to identify unnatural constructions resulting from the influence of the foreign language and replace them with expressions specific to the target language. When forming logical sentences, cultural differences must also be taken into account, which may affect the intelligibility and acceptance of the text by the target audience.
Uniform style
When editing a foreign language text, maintaining a consistent style is particularly important, as differences can arise during the translation process, especially if several translators have worked on the text. The editor's task is to harmonize the tone, level of formality, and use of important terms in different parts of the text so that the reader does not perceive abrupt transitions or stylistic fluctuations. Editing by Filoloog translation agency ensures that the text uses consistent terminology, expression, and formatting that meets both the expectations of the target audience and the requirements of the text type. Adapting culture-specific elements to the context of the target language must also be done on the basis of a consistent approach, maintaining the text's substantive accuracy and stylistic integrity. The consistency of the text's style creates a professional impression and helps to convey the message more clearly.
Editorial FAQ
Order text editing work from Filoloogi
Do you want high-quality, search engine-optimized content for your website? Filoloog helps you reach your desired target audience with well-thought-out and effective web text. Our professional language editing ensures that the text is clear, understandable, and in line with the communication goals. A high-quality editing service helps avoid misunderstandings and interpretation errors that may arise due to inaccurate wording or language use.
Our experienced language editors ensure that the text is not only grammatically correct, but also fluent, logical, and appropriate for the target audience. They also correct stylistic errors and ensure consistent terminology and expression, which increases the credibility and impact of the text.
The editing service offered by Filoloogi helps bring your text to a level of quality that meets your expectations and is in line with professional and linguistic standards.